Bandon Beach – February 20, 2021

Hike Coordinator: Brad Bishop

Narration by Brad Bishop (Some embellishment may have occurred during this tale)

Six Hikers decided to give the Bandon to Hells Kitchen trek a shot on a gloomy Feb 20th. The ride there was probably the worst part of the whole day as light rain and threatening skies tried to put a damper on our high spirts for a great beach day.

When we arrived we were rewarded with sunny skies and a wispy northerly breeze. As we departed on our southernly jaunt the crew spread out searching for beach treasure in the warm sunshine, while still keeping an impressive pace down the playa.

Around noon we all dropped our packs for lunch and interesting discussions on nothing in particular. Heading back we had to re-cross the three creeks that we forded to our turn- around point, but the mood was jovial, the pace was quick and the slight breeze was just enough to keep us comfortable.

As we neared the end of our journey we took a last look at the bizarre alien rock forms and wished each other a safe voyage home. It was indeed a great day for a walk on the beach.

Pictures below by Rheo Wheeler

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