South Slough Reserve – November 27, 2021

Hike coordinator: Rheo Wheeler

Narration by Rheo Wheeler

What does one do on Thanksgiving weekend? On Saturday, there were only 5 of us who decided hiking was the answer. Liz, Cleve and I met at the courthouse and met Shannon and Jan at South Slough.

There was no sunshine, but just a drizzle here and there with gray cloud cover, not very picturesque. We enjoyed the downhill side and the various viewpoints along the water, and then made the trek uphill to the cars. The tide was out so there was no wildlife to speak of. We just took our time and enjoyed each other’s company. All told, we only hiked about 3-4 miles.

Pictures below by Rheo Wheeler

4 thoughts on “South Slough Reserve – November 27, 2021”

  1. How can I get notified before your hikes are scheduled. For some reason I am only notified of your posts after you guys go hiking

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