North Bank Habitat – December 28, 2019

Hike Coordinator: Brad Bishop

Driving through a dense fog, I wondered if this hike would be better suited for Halloween instead of a jump start to a new year. As our convoy of hikers turned onto North Bank Road, the sun decided to award us dedicated hikers with its rays, and as it turned out, the sun itself would be dedicated enough to break up the early morning gloom.

A good turn out of 10 hikers participated in the approximately 8 mile hike. We had about half old timers attend, while the other half were first-time hikers wanting to check out what Friends of the Umpqua Hiking club was all about.

It was perfect hiking weather, sunny, but cool. After what seemed to be a mostly uphill Quadriceps workout, we all met at the weather station near the Boundary Road for a quick break and bite to eat before continuing on down the East Side back to the vehicles. Everyone got a decent workout on a beautiful day to end 2019.

Narrative and pictures by Brad Bishop

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