Bastendorff Bog – October 3, 2020

Hike Coordinator: Lane Harris

Narration by Lane Harris

The Bastendorff Bog Trail is a little known trail used primarily by backpackers hiking the Oregon Coast Trail to “short-cut” from Bastendorff Beach to Sunset Bay. This hike offered a veritable smorgasbord of coastal delights, from beach walks, to coastal forest, rocky coastal points, and the rugged geology and shoreline wonders of Yoakum Point.

We began at Bastendorff Beach, enjoying a nice beach walk before cutting inland and up along the raised shoreline amongst the trees. We circled our way around to enjoy the vista at Yoakum Point before heading to the highway for a very short road walk. (We walked right by the continuation of the trail on the other side of the road, very easy to miss!)

We then started our journey through what is the actual bog part of the hike, a leisurely stroll through forest, skunk cabbage patches, and fern covered hillsides. The trail eventually spit us out at Sunset Bay State Park. We all gathered at the shoreline at Sunset Bay and had lunch. Several hikers decided to continue towards Shore Acres, while the rest of us did an about-face and returned the way we came.

This hike was unique in the fact that it has a smorgasbord of scenery to eat up: Beach, Forest, bog, rocky cliffs, and just a hint of asphalt.

More pictures on Lane Harris’ Flickr page

Pictures below by Lane Harris

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